Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Prisoners stripped of right to watch TV

Prisoners will no longer automatically receive perks such as televisions, the freedom to wear their own clothes and shorter working hours, the Justice Secretary will announce.

Crime, criminal, hands hanging out of jail cell 

 In a move designed to end the perception that prisoners’ conditions are too comfortable, Chris Grayling will order that all criminals will have to earn perks and privileges, rather than them only being removed from inmates who behave poorly.

It follows criticism of the prison regime after it emerged that inmates had access to satellite television and were watching violent films while in custody. Some critics likened the conditions in jails to “holiday camps”.
In future, all prisoners will initially have to wear uniforms and will be banned from having televisions in their cells.
There will be a blanket ban on subscription television channels and access to 18-certificate DVDs. Prisoners who cause damage will also be charged for the costs of repairs.
Unless they can demonstrate they are determined to reform their behaviour, they will also only be granted “restricted” access to cash and only be allowed short visits to the gym.

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