Saturday, March 30, 2013

North Korea: 'outbreak of war hours away' as Kim Jong-un plans US strike

North Korea's leader Kim Jong-un has ordered missile units to prepare to strike US mainland as a British tour operator was warned that the "outbreak of war probably only hours away".

North Korea: 'outbreak of war hours away' as Kim Jong-un plans US strike
Mr Kim directed his rocket units on standby at an overnight emergency meeting with top army commanders Photo: Reuters
The order came after US Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel said Washington would not be cowed by Pyongyang's bellicose threats and stood ready to respond to "any eventuality".
Mr Kim directed his rocket units on standby at an overnight emergency meeting with top army commanders, hours after nuclear-capable US B-2 stealth bombers were deployed in ongoing US joint military drills with South Korea.
In the event of any "reckless" US provocation, North Korean forces should "mercilessly strike the US mainland ... military bases in the Pacific, including Hawaii and Guam, and those in South Korea", he was quoted as saying by the official Korean Central News Agency (KCNA).
While North Korea has no proven ability to conduct such strikes, Mr Kim said: "The time has come to settle accounts with the US imperialists."

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